Q & A 2015: EVC Uganda

May 2015

Our Grand Launch held on 21 February - we invited guests and those in attendance to submit their questions about the Charity; our aims and on Child Sponsorship. Here are a collection of the responses.

What languages are spoken in Uganda?

In the area covered by EVC`s work it is English, Lugandan and other local languages.

How much of EVC`s income is spent on administration?

All money given in Child Sponsorship goes directly to support your child, nothing is taken out for admin. The same is true for money donated to capital projects. Fundsspent on admin are from unrestricted income and EVC works very hard to keep admin costs as low as possible.

How is EVC Managed and Run?

By a Board of Trustees and through the 3 Sub Committees of the Board:




Why should we support EVC ?

EVC is run and managed entirely by volunteers, there are no paid staff.

All Child Sponsor money goes directly to your child, nothing to admin.

You are dealing with local Bedford people.

EVC makes annual visits to its work in Uganda to assess progress in our work. These visits are paid for personally by individual Trustees.

We are small and easily accountable to donors.

We provide regular communication about EVC`s work to donors and supporters.

Can I stipulate how my donation is spent ?

Yes you can choose how the money you donate is spent i.e.

Child Sponsorship

Water bore holes

Building of dormitories

Helping towards purchasing a fit for purpose land rover

General expenditure on educational materials for schools

Marketing materials


What feedback will I receive concerning my sponsored child`s progress ?

An annual report on your sponsored child`s educational progress

Two letters a year from your child

Two Newsletters a year updating you on EVC`s work in Uganda

How can you help?

It costs £300 to sponsor a child ( £25 monthly standing order ) This provides a child with an education, accommodation, clothing and food and pays teaching and non teaching staff. You can also donate securely through KindLink.