Grand Launch of Empowering Vulnerable Children (EVC) Uganda - 21st February 2015.
February 2015
On Saturday 21 February a new Charity, Empowering Vulnerable Children ( EVC ) Uganda, was officially launched at The Harpur Suite in Bedford.
Since the beginning of January 2014 a great deal of hard work has been undertaken by a group of people in Bedford who are passionately committed to offering a better life to desperately poor and orphaned children in southern Uganda. This has been a response to the work of Father Boniface Kaayabula, a Ugandan priest, who since 1997 has been seeking to offer a future to some of the poorest children in the world.
In August 2014 this Project became a registered UK Charity with a Board of Trustees.
The official Launch was well attended by over 90 people. Talks were given by EVC`s Chairman, Mr Ted Fawcett, EVC Vice Chairman, Gordon Lland, Trustee and Head of Fundraising, Ramon Monserrate and Trustee, Simona Verdura. Many of the children supported by EVC are orphaned as a result of AIDS, cholera or other diseases. Education is their only chance of escaping a life of poverty and destitution.
EVC’s Child Sponsorship Programme was outlined, money from this being used to provide these children with an education, accommodation, clothing and a loving and caring environment. To sponsor a child costs £240 per year, or £20 per month standing order, it being anticipated that children will be sponsored through primary education and, where possible, on to secondary education or vocational skills training. Please note that all child sponsor money goes directly to the children’s education; no money is used to cover administration.