Further update from EVC’s Chairman on the COVID-19 situation in Uganda
February 2021
As you will know from my previous Blog, the examination classes returned to school on 15th October last year and are due to sit their exams during the month of March.
We are pleased to say that all our sponsored children in these classes returned to school at that time.
On the 1st March the pre-examination classes will return to school - Primary 6, Senior 3 and Senior 5.
We have just received the timetable below which also shows the proposed dates for the remaining year groups to be back in school. As you will see, the government is proposing a staggered start with only some classes in school at any one point. This is because many schools are not able to accommodate all their children and, at the same time, ensure that social distancing is in place. It is also hoped that this system will help prevent any spread of the Coronavirus.
It is planned that at any point when children are at home the outreach education to them will continue.
We will continue to update you on this website, as we hear news of the way forward for the schools.