Handover of the new boys' dormitory

May 2021

Imagine sleeping in your classroom with very basic washing and toilet facilities and your few personal possessions crammed into bags and stowed in temporary locations. Those were the living conditions for the boy boarders in St Matia Mulumba Primary School.

On Friday 30th April 2021, EVC Uganda handed over a new boys’ dormitory for occupation and beneficial use by the school. This was an interim handover as the formal opening and handover will be performed during the next visit by UK Trustees.

We were very fortunate to receive a substantial donation for this facility from a major donor in the UK, given in memory of his late wife.

The handover took place during the School Council meeting. Mrs Nnalule Prossy, our resident engineer on site, handed over officially to the school. Also in attendance was Fr Boniface.

An extract from the handover document:

“Empowering vulnerable children (EVC) Uganda would like to inform you with great pleasure that, it has completed the boys’ dormitory at St Matia Mulumba Kyankoole Primary School and work has come up well and validation of the project has been well within the guidelines prescribed as you might have observed.

We are pleased to hand over the facility to you through this formal letter including:

The main building with two sides, roofed, finishes done and painted with metallic windows and doors well inserted in.

60 triple metallic beds to be used by 180 boys

3 small rooms inside the dormitory, one for matron and two stores each with a wooden door and lock.

2 solar panels wired and in good conditions

Fire extinguishers and fire alarms.

A perimeter wall

2 big gates to fence the area of the dormitory

6 toilet stances and four washrooms ready for use.”

Great credit and a massive thank you goes to Prossy and Gonzaga, our Administration and Finance Manager in Uganda, for delivering the dormitory to the highest standard, within budget and in time for the children’s return to school. Thanks also to the Diocesan Building Department and especially Fr. Bonny Kalyesubula for meticulous and timely inspections. A truly remarkable result.

The boys are absolutely thrilled to no longer sleep in their classrooms. All sponsors and donors of EVC Uganda can be justly proud of this stunning new facility which will add comfort and dignity to boys boarding in the school.


How can you help?

It costs £300 to sponsor a child ( £25 monthly standing order ) This provides a child with an education, accommodation, clothing and food and pays teaching and non teaching staff. You can also donate securely through KindLink.