December 2022 Prayer Requests

December 2022

‘In Thee do we trust, Nor find Thee to fail’

Thurs 1st

Schools closed early for Christmas due to the outbreak of ebola in parts of Uganda. Pray for protection from this disease, for the children, their families, the teaching staff and the EVC staff.

Fri 2nd

Pray for special times with their families as the children are now at home.

Sat 3rd

Pray for successful outcomes for the children who sat Primary Leaving Exams in November.

Sun 4th

Pray for Gonzaga as she looks for the right schools for these children to move on to.

Mon 5th

The Staff and Governors at St Matia Mulumba, together with Gonzaga, are working on producing a five year business plan for the school. Pray for God’s leading in this and for the ability to document all the necessary content.

Tues 6th

Pray for Ted as he works on setting up the programme of church appeals for 2023. Give thanks for those already in the diary and pray for the extra eight which are still needed.

Wed 7th

Give thanks for all our child sponsors, for their faithful support and care for their sponsored children.

Thurs 8th

Pray that Gonzaga, Prossy and Janet will be able to have some much needed holiday over the Christmas season. Pray for good times with their families.

Fri 9th

Give thanks for the positive response from parents regarding the setting up of a micro finance group at St Matia Mulumba.

Sat 10th

Pray for Janet as she sets up and develops this group.

Sun 11th

Pray for those children who have completed Senior 4 this year, that right decisions will be taken about the schools they will move on to.

Mon 12th

A few students are completing their studies this year. Please pray for them as they seek jobs in nursing, teaching, car mechanics, plumbing, hairdressing and the business world.

Tues 13th

Pray for Prossy overseeing finishing off work at St Matia Mulumba.

Wed 14th

Money has been sent for new text books and library books at St Matia Mulumba. Pray that these will be ready in school for the beginning of the new term.

Thurs 15th

Continue to pray for a good working relationship for Gonzaga, Prossy and Janet.

Fri 16th

Father Boniface returns to Uganda today. Give thanks for his time in the UK and pray for safety as he travels.

Sat 17th

Future plans include the building of a block to house the EVC offices, staff quarters and housing for visitors. Pray that God will begin to provide the finances needed for this.

Sun 18th

Pray that the two primary schools will be able to adapt their sites so that children with disabilities can access education.

Mon 19th

The rate of inflation in Uganda is high. Pray for families as they seek to provide for their families.

Tues 20th

Costs for school fees are rising, mainly due to the cost of living increases in Uganda. Pray that schools will manage their income well.

Wed 21st

As families are encouraged to provide the needs their children have to begin the new term, pray they will see ways to generate income so that they can help with this provision.

Thurs 22nd

Pray for success for Gordon as he puts in an application for extra water harvesting facilities at St Matia Mulumba.

Fri 23rd

Give thanks for our Board of Trustees, for their hard work and dedication during 2022.

Sat 24th

Pray for Father Michael in his new role supporting Gonzaga in Father Boniface’s absence.

Sun 25th

‘She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.’ Matthew 1 : 21 NIV

Mon 26th

Pray that God will open up new streams of income during the coming year.

Tues 27th

Give thanks that we have been able to increase awareness of the work of EVC in many parts of the UK.

Wed 28th

Pray we will be able to forge strong partnerships with organisations who respect our Christian foundation.

Thurs 29th

There is a need for a purpose built Nursery Department at St Matia Mulumba. Pray that we will be able to raise the funding necessary to begin work on this.

Fri 30th

Give thanks for the increased interest shown on our social media outlets and pray that these will continue to be used to raise awareness of our work.

Sat 31st

Pray for Father Boniface beginning his course in Kenya.

How can you help?

It costs £300 to sponsor a child ( £25 monthly standing order ) This provides a child with an education, accommodation, clothing and food and pays teaching and non teaching staff. You can also donate securely through KindLink.