January 2023 Prayer Requests
January 2023
‘Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God’ Psalm 20 : 7 NIV
Sun 1st |
At the beginning of a new year, pray that our trust for the work of EVC will continue to be in the Lord our God. |
Mon 2nd |
Thank God for all the new sponsorships gained during 2022. |
Tues 3rd |
Pray for all the children at home during the long Christmas holiday. |
Wed 4th |
Continue to pray for their parents, that they will see the value of education and the importance of their children being in school. |
Thurs 5th |
Give thanks for the many church appeals Ted has secured for 2023. |
Fri 6th |
Pray that Ted will be able to secure another 4 or 5 appeals for next year. |
Sat 7th |
Prossy and Gonzaga are busy overseeing finishing off work on site at St Matia Mulumba. Pray that bad weather will not hinder the work and that all will be finished to a high standard, ready for the beginning of the new term. |
Sun 8th |
Give thanks for all the work Tom, Chairman of the School Board at St Matia Mulumba, and Gonzaga have done on the school business plan. Pray for them to be able to complete this in the next weeks, before the new term begins. |
Mon 9th |
Pray for those who sat public exams last term, that they will succeed well. |
Tues 10th |
Pray for Gonzaga as she makes decisions about new schools for these children. |
Wed 11th |
As school fees are increasing, pray that those who have performed well will continue to be offered bursaries. |
Thurs 12th |
Pray for Janet as she works on setting up a micro finance group among parents of children at St Matia Mulumba Primary School. |
Fri 13th |
Continue to pray for a good working relationship between the EVC staff, that they will support and encourage one another. |
Sat 14th |
Pray for Father Michael as he supports Gonzaga in Father Boniface’s absence. |
Sun 15th |
Pray for the two primary schools to be able to develop income generating projects which will help them become more self sufficient. |
Mon 16th |
Some of our children completed their education at the end of 2022. Pray for them as they seek employment, that they will be successful in securing jobs. |
Tues 17th |
Give thanks for the faithfulness of our sponsors during 2022. |
Wed 18th |
Continue to pray for families facing high inflation and increasing costs for basic needs. |
Thurs 19th |
At present much of our income comes from church appeals. Pray that during 2023 God will provide new streams of income. |
Fri 20th |
Father Boniface is beginning his course of study this month. Pray for him as he adjusts to this new situation. |
Sat 21st |
Parents often try to help with school fees. Pray for them as these are increasing, that they will be able to raise the necessary funds. |
Sun 22nd |
Funds are needed in order to build a new nursery department at St Matia Mulumba Primary School. Pray that God will lead us to those who can help fund this and that we will see HIs provision. |
Mon 23rd |
Continue to pray that we will increase awareness of EVC’s work in the UK, through church appeals, personal contact and social media. |
Tues 24th |
Pray for the EVC staff as they deal with an increasing volume of work. |
Wed 25th |
Pray for strong direction and leadership from the School Committee at St Matia Mulumba. |
Thurs 26th |
Josephine, at St Kizito, heads up a very large school. Pray for her as the new school year begins. |
Fri 27th |
Give thanks for the amicable relationships on the EVC Board. Pray that these good relationships will continue during 2023. |
Sat 28th |
As church appeals begin again next month, pray for stamina and safety for Ted, Judi, Phil and Gordon, travelling much longer distances on many weekends. |
Sun 29th |
Pray for Gonzaga in her responsibilities as Head of Operations, that she will use her time well and encourage and support the other members of staff. |
Mon 30th |
As the children look to returning to school next month, pray that the EVC staff will be able to make sure they are all back on time. |
Tues 31st |
Pray for those children moving to new schools, that they will adjust well. |