March 2023 Prayer Requests

March 2023

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” Proverbs 16 :3

Wed 1st

Give thanks that most children who completed Primary 7 and Senior 4 exams are now settled in new schools. Pray that they will adjust well to new situations and learn well.

Thurs 2nd

There is still a small group of students who need to make decisions about further studies and gain access to the relevant schools and institutions. Pray that these decisions will be taken soon and that they will be able to enrol.

Fri 3rd

Pray for those involved in finalising the 5 year business plan at St Matia. Mulumba

Sat 4th

Parents try to contribute to the needs of the children and to top up fees in secondary schools. Pray that they will be able to do this and, that they will have good ideas for income generating projects they can develop, in order to raise funds.

Sun 5th

Pray that many parents will join the micro finance groups Janet is setting up and that they will see the benefit of saving for their own and their children’s needs.

Mon 6th

There is a new headteacher, Joseph, at St Matia Mulumba. Pray that he will be guided by the Holy Spirit and, make decisions with the staff and school committee, which will enable the school and the children to succeed.

Tues 7th

Continue to pray that parents will grow in an understanding of the value of education for their children.

Wed 8th

Pray that all children who are back in school will concentrate well and work to gain understanding of subjects taught so that they achieve good results.

Thurs 9th

Pray for all teaching staff to prepare well and teach subjects clearly.

Fri 10th

A school nurse is needed at St Matia Mulumba. Pray that a well qualified person will be found to fill this position.

Sat 11th

This weekend Phil and Gordon are visiting the Catholic Parish of Camberley Bagshot to talk about the work of EVC Uganda. Pray for Phil as she speaks.

Sun 12th

Pray for God to touch hearts at the church appeal and that there will be parishioners who will begin to sponsor a child.

Mon 13th

Pray for Ted and Gordon as they begin to plan how to approach local businesses for support for the work of EVC.

Tues 14th

Continue to pray for Gonzaga in her demanding role as Head of Operations.

Wed 15th

Thank God for the support and help given to Gonzaga by Father Boniface, Father Michael and others in the local community.

Thurs 16th

Ramon Monserrate, who works on developing our website, needs someone to help him with this work. Pray that a volunteer may be found who has the skills and time available to do this.

Fri 17th

This weekend Judii is speaking in Southampton. Pray for safety in travelling and that people will give generously to the work of EVC.

Sat 18th

Tomorrow Gordon Lland, our Vice Chairman is running in the Barcelona Marathon, raising funds for EVC. Pray for him to have the stamina to complete the course well.

Sun 19th

Thank God for the staff team in Uganda, Gonzaga, Prossy and Janet. Continue to pray that they will work well together and take initiative, when necessary, to support one another.

Mon 20th

Pray for those who are studying in university, Jesca and Brenda in their final term and Praxeda and Henry in Year 2 and Year 1.

Tues 21st

Pray for strong friendships between the EVC children studying together in many different schools and that they will be an encouragement and support to one another.

Wed 22nd

Father Michael has a large remit in his job as Diocesan Education Secretary. Pray for him in this important role.

Thurs 23rd

Costs of fees and materials in Uganda have risen considerably. Pray for God to continue to faithfully provide for all our needs.

Fri 24th

This weekend Ted and Judi are visiting the RC church of St Gertrude in South Croydon. Pray for safety as they travel tomorrow and for Judi as she speaks.

Sat 25th

Pray also for a good time with parishioners and that many will give generously to the work of EVC.

Sun 26th

An EVC Concert is planned for later in the year. Pray for our Trustee, Ramon, as he works on the details for this.

Mon 27th

Prossy, our Project Manager, is overseeing the finishing off work which needs to be completed at St Matia Muluba. Pray for her in her role.

Tues 28th

In the summer months, Ted will be delivering some training courses to the staff and to the Chairman of the St Matia Mulumba School Committee. Pray that he will have the time to prepare well for these and that the staff will benefit greatly from them.

Wed 29th

Give thanks for the faithfulness of our sponsors and their loving concern for the children they sponsor.

Thurs 30th

Pray that the staff at St Matia Mulumba will have good ideas for fund raising activities.

Fri 31st

Pray for Josephine, headteacher at St Kizito, as she manages a school of over 1,000 children.

How can you help?

It costs £300 to sponsor a child ( £25 monthly standing order ) This provides a child with an education, accommodation, clothing and food and pays teaching and non teaching staff. You can also donate securely through KindLink.