EVC Uganda Prayer Requests, May 2024

May 2024

‘For what you have done, I will always praise you in the presence of your faithful people. And I will hope in your name, for your name is good.’ Psalm 52 : 9 NIV

Wed 1st

Term ended last week and the children are now on holiday. Give thanks that all children and staff were kept safe during the last term.

Thurs 2nd

Pray that all children and staff will be kept safe during the holidays and that the parents will be able to look after the children well during this time, so that each one has a good experience at home.

Fri 3rd

Give thanks that over one hundred of the parents of sponsored children are taking part in the SACCO savings groups which Janet has set up.

Sat 4th

Pray that others will see these groups as a positive way of saving for their children’s needs and pray, that each parent will set aside money to buy the things their children need for Term 2.

Sun 5th

Staff in Ugandan schools often leave without giving proper notice. Pray that this will not happen in the schools used by EVC children and that each member of staff will return for the beginning of the new term.

Mon 6th

We are very fortunate to have the three members of staff we have in Uganda. Give thanks for them and pray, that each of them will be enabled by God in their work roles.

Tues 7th

Give thanks for the contribution made to EVC by Neil and Andy during six years on the EVC Board. Pray for Chris as he takes over the role of Treasurer.

Wed 8th

Pray that students and parents would understand that the advice about further education courses given by the EVC staff are for the good of the students. Pray that they would increasingly act on the advice given.

Thurs 9th

Since lockdown, the cost of education in Uganda has increased considerably and most secondary students lost the bursaries provided by their schools. Pray that, despite this, EVC will continue to be able to assist the older students to achieve the qualifications they wish to work for.

Fri 10th

This year, several students have gained access to nursing courses. Pray that their parents will be able to provide the top up needed to bridge the gap between what EVC can provide and the cost of fees.

Sat 11th

Continue to pray for the work being carried out on the new nursery, that it will not be hampered by wet weather and that time lost at the beginning of the year through heavy rain, will be made up.

Sun 12th

Continue to give thanks for Father Boniface and Father Michael, for all the support tand guidance they give to school staff and administrators.

Mon 13th

Pray that this time of holiday will be a time of rest and refreshment for the staff in the schools.

Tues 14th

Pray for any planning and preparation headteachers Joseph and Josephine need to carry out during the holiday and that they will be guided by God as to the way forward.

Wed 15th

Pray for those in congregations in the UK who heard about EVC at church appeals and expressed  interest in sponsoring a child, that they will be motivated to act on this.

Thurs 16th

Pray for Plaxeda who has completed her teaching degree and is now looking for a job, that she will be successful in securing a good position.

Fri 17th

Pray for all our students who are in vocational schools, that they will learn well and gain the skills necessary for getting a job at the end of their courses.

Sat 18th

Give thanks for the faithfulness of all our EVC sponsors.

Sun 19th

Pray for protection from red eye disease for all involved in EVC work in Uganda. There has been a recent outbreak.

Mon 20th

During this holiday time, repair of some of the classroom walls will be carried out at St Matia Mulumba. Pray that this will be done to a high standard.

Tues 21st

The EVC work in the UK has grown considerably and there is a need for volunteers with relevant skills and time to give. Pray that God will provide this extra man power.

Wed 22nd

Pray that God will provide new streams of income to help meet the increasing costs in Uganda.

Thurs 23rd

An extra member of staff is needed in Uganda to work on the children’s accounts. Pray that the right person will be found to fill this vacancy.

Fri 24th

Pray that those who complete education and have been helped by EVC, will maintain the contact with Gonzaga and support her in explaining to the younger children the importance of working for good results.

Sat 25th

Ted has a heavy workload. Pray  that he will use his time wisely and make good progress in working through the many things in his EVC ‘in tray’.

Sun 26th

Pray for all newly sponsored children as they settle in to their new school, that they will make good friendships and enjoy this new situation.

Mon 27th

Pray that all teaching staff will prepare well for the new term and that they will make lessons interesting and fun for the children.

Tues 28th

Continue to pray for Gordon as he oversees the project work being carried out at St Matia Mulumba school..

Wed 29th

A few students have found the A level courses they are following challenging. Pray for them to  improve their understanding of the topics covered and to be able to retain and use the information they are taught.

Thurs 30th

Pray for all the support staff in the schools, the cooks, nightwatchmen, matrons and security and admin staff.

Fri 31st

Give thanks for all the churches where church appeals are taking place this year and pray that parishioners will be motivated to give generously to our work.


How can you help?

It costs £300 to sponsor a child ( £25 monthly standing order ) This provides a child with an education, accommodation, clothing and food and pays teaching and non teaching staff. You can also donate securely through KindLink.