Prayer Requests, EVC Uganda, March 2025

March 2025

‘Lord, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells’. Psalm 26 : 8a NIV


Saturday 1st

This weekend, Phil is speaking at a church appeal in Chester and Judi in Tunbridge Wells. Pray for safety as they travel and that these appeals will be successful.

Sunday 2nd

Continue to pray that God will provide new people to sponsor children in education.

Monday 3rd

Give thanks for the Primary 7 exam results and that those of St Kizito, which were delayed, are now available.

Tuesday 4th

Pray for Gonzaga as she seeks to put these children into secondary school this term. Pray for the right school to be found for each child.

Wednesday 5th

Senior 4 results are also now available. Pray that Gonzaga will liaise well with the parents and children regarding the courses they should follow next and, that the advice given, will be acted upon.

Thursday 6th

This is a very busy and stressful time for Gonzaga as she seeks to place children in new institutions. Pray that God will give her the stamina and insight needed for this task.

Friday 7th

The new school year started in February. Please pray that each of the children will settle well in their new classes and will have a positive attitude to learning.

Saturday 8th

Today Phil and Gordon are travelling to Chadwell Heath for a church appeal and Judi and Ted to Eastwood in Essex. Pray for these times and that the congregations will give generously to the work of EVC.

Sunday 9th

An EVC governance visit is planned for July this year. Pray that the details of this visit will come together well and that God will give safety, as people travel long distances.

Monday 10th

Pray for the staff in Uganda as they put together a programme for this visit.

Tuesday 11th

Give thanks for our staff in Uganda, Gonzaga, Prossy and Janet and pray for them as they carry the responsibility for delivering the services of EVC on the ground.

Wednesday 12th

Continue to pray for the. Headteachers in the two primary schools EVC uses, Joseph and Josephine. Pray that they will be guided by God in all their decision making.

Thursday 13th

Pray for the teaching staff in the schools, that they will be enthusiastic about the material they are teaching and will plan well.

Friday 14th

Continue to pray that the parents and guardians of the EVC children will grow in their understanding of the importance of education for their children.

Saturday 15th

The new Nursery at St Matia Mulumba is nearing completion and it is hoped that the children will begin using it after Easter. Give thanks for this new facility and pray it will attract new children to the school.

Sunday 16th

There is much new equipment needed for this building. Pray for Prossy as she lists what is needed and that the finances for the items will be available.

Monday 17th

Pray for Gordon as he puts in bids to other organisations for funding for the toilet block for the Nursery. Pray that he will be successful.

Tuesday 18th

Over 12 of our EVC children completed their education last year. Pray that they will be successful in finding jobs and that they will maintain contact with the EVC staff.

Wednesday 19th

Give thanks that many of the parents have joined the SACCO groups and are seeking to save money for their children’s needs in school. Pray for Janet as she oversees these groups.

Thursday 20th

St Matia Mulumba has purchased land and planted coffee bushes. They plan to harvest and sell the coffee beans to gain an income for the school. Pray that the £1,500 needed to pay for labour, tools and fertiliser will be raised.

Friday 21st

Give thanks for our new Treasurer, Chris, for his expertise, enthusiasm and dedication to our work. Pray for him as he oversees all the financial aspects of the charity.

Saturday 22nd

Continue to pray for Father Boniface and Father Michael as they support the EVC staff in Uganda.

Sunday 23rd

Give thanks that God continues to provide new people to sponsor children. Pray for all those who give so faithfully to support their children.

Monday 24th

There are many demands on the EVC finances. Pray for wisdom in decision making for the EVC Trustees and that God will guide in the plans which are made.

Tuesday 25th

Give thanks for the many church appeals Ted has secured for this year and pray for stamina and strength for Phil, Gordon, Judi and Ted as they undertake these. Pray that they will be able to pace themselves in the midst of the busyness.

Wednesday 26th

Pray for all our secondary school children, particularly those who have moved to a new school this term.

Thursday 27th

Pray that strong friendships will be formed among the children in school and that each school will have a happy atmosphere.

Friday 28th

Pray for Prossy as she oversees the completion of the Nursery.

Saturday 29th

Judi and Ted are speaking at a church in Corby this weekend. Pray for a positive response from members of the congregation and for new people to sponsor children in school.

Sunday 30th

This month a new staff member has joined the team in Uganda as Assistant Finance Officer. Pray that she will quickly feel at home in this new job and be a strong support to Gonzaga as she manages the children’s accounts.

Monday 31st

Continue to pray for the safety of the EVC staff in Uganda, as they live out in the community and travel regularly on dirt roads on motor cycle taxis.




How can you help?

It costs £300 to sponsor a child ( £25 monthly standing order ) This provides a child with an education, accommodation, clothing and food and pays teaching and non teaching staff. You can also donate securely through KindLink.