Why do I need a will?
To ensure your estate (everything that you own) is distributed in the way you wish it to be done.
Leaving a gift to EVC Uganda in your Will
EVC works hard to ensure your money is well spent and used cost effectively, in order to provide a future through education for some of the poorest children in the world. Leaving such a gift will also be a lasting legacy to you.
Guidance on finding a solicitor
We strongly advise you to use a fully qualified professional solicitor and can direct you as to how to find local solicitors in your area.
Implications for Inheritance Tax
Leaving money to a charity provides advantages relating to Inheritance Tax.
EVC Uganda`s Promise
We will be good stewards of your gift. Every gift will be used cost effectively, providing good value to meet our priorities and urgent needs. EVC is a Christ centred organisation. We operate with compassion, integrity and in a trustworthy manner. We respect your privacy in the way we treat your data which is kept in a secure place. We do not pass on your details to any person or organisation without your permission. We will communicate with you in the manner you have requested by email, phone, text or post. You may change this form of communication with us at any time by ringing us on the phone number below or emailing us at info@evcuganda.org.uk
Please do look at our Privacy Policy on our website.
Here we answer many frequently asked questions relating to Will making
Why Should I Write a Will?
To ensure your estate (everything you own) is distributed in the way you wish it to be.
What Types of Gift Can I Leave?
Residual Legacy where you make a gift to EVC Uganda after all of your main beneficiaries have been included. The residue is what is left after this. Suggested wording: “I give - % of the residue of my estate to EVC Uganda, Registered Charity Number 1158189 of Chapel Corner………… for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of EVC, for the time, being shall be a full and final sufficient discharge of the said legacy “
What information do I need to Provide to a Solicitor?
Once you have decided the type of legacy you wish to leave you can give them our suggested wording if you wish plus the Charity details, including the name, official address and registered charity number. You should also provide the names and addresses of your Executor(s), people who will administer your Will. Usually people have two Executors.
Can EVC Recommend a Solicitor?
No, but we can tell you how to find a solicitor local to you. Below are some suggestions of helpful organisations for this:
National Free Wills Network: Nationalfreewills.net provide a list of solicitors in your area, 0845 020 4309, Email : nationalfreewills.net You can fill out a form on their website outlining the help you need.
Will Aid : Willaid.org.uk provide details of solicitors in your area. 0300 0309 558 email: enquiries@willaid.org.uk You can fill out a form on their website outlining the help you need.
Lawyers Christian Fellowship: e admin@lawcf.org 7 407 6157 or 07495 966480
Goodwill Partnership: Good value low cost, free home consultation service. email: info@thegoodwillpartnership.co.uk 0844 669 6148 You can fill out a form on their website outlining the help you need.
The Law Society for England and Wales: 7 242 1222 Help you find a solicitor near you.
Scotland Law Society: email lawscot@lawscot.org.uk 0131 226 7411
Northern Ireland Law Society: email enquiries@lawsoc-nI.org: 028 9023 1614
You can fill out a form on their website outlining the help you need.
Are There Any Tax Benefits if I leave a Charitable Gift In My will?
All legacies left to charities are free from inheritance tax. Your solicitor will advise on how to make your Will as tax efficient as possible. Website and leaflet.
At present your can leave money free of Inheritance Tax up to £325K. Then for each £100 above this £60 (60%) may be left to friends and family and £40 (40%) goes to the Treasury. This 40% tax is reduced to 36% if you leave more than 10% of your estate to charity. Website and leaflet
If I Don’t Have Much to Leave is it worth Leaving EVC a Legacy?
Yes, very much so. Many items vital for a child at school cost very little but are very important. Some examples are children’s school uniforms, sportswear, mattresses, blankets, bed sheets, towels and other items needed for normal daily living.
How Will My Gift Be Used?
Wisely, provide good value for money and be cost effective. It will be used to the maximum to benefit the desperately poor children we serve, wherever the greatest need is. Here are some examples of how funds are spent: building classrooms, dormitories, vocational training centres, providing school equipment and installing water bore holes to give clean water to the children.
Do I Need to Tell EVC if I leave a Gift in My will?
If you request that the money you leave EVC must go directly to benefit the children nothing will be taken out for admin costs. It is a matter of integrity that we fulfil the explicit wishes of our donors.
Will All The Money I Leave Go To The Children? I am concerned that some may be lost in admin costs.
If you request that the money you leave EVC must go directly to benefit the children nothing will be taken out for admin costs. It is a matter of integrity that we fulfil the explicit wishes of our donors.