It costs £300 to sponsor a child (£25 monthly standing order). This provides a child with an education, accommodation, clothing and food and pays teaching and non-teaching staff. Children are supported in both primary and secondary education.
Where we can, talented children are supported through university or on vocational courses e.g. nursing, secretarial, handicrafts, hairdressing.
Long term we aim to expand to provide a range of employment skills’ training especially opportunities for self-employment in order that students can earn an income and build self-reliance.
When a child is sponsored the sponsor receives a photo of and background details about the child. The children send letters to their sponsors on a regular basis, updating them about their life and their progress in education. Updates on their progress can also be followed in the twice yearly EVC Newsletter sent to all our donors and supporters.
Child sponsorship is a serious commitment to supporting a desperately poor child through education and thereby offering real hope for their future. This shows a real commitment to those in the world who are in serious need.
If you would like to sponsor a child please contact us and we would be happy to discuss this with you.
For more information, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.
Appropriate Gifts to Send Your Sponsored Child
Shorts, t-shirt, dress, skirt, pyjamas, nightie, socks (long grey or white), panties, underpants, hoodies, sweater or cardigan (as it can get cold when the rains come), bracelets and necklaces (for girls).
Please do not send trousers or leggings for girls as they do not wear them.
School equipment:
Pencils, pencil crayons, ruler, rubber, wind-up torch, geometry set for the older primary children, calculators for those in secondary schools, storybooks - simple paperbacks (Usborne have a very good series in different levels which are simplified versions of traditional and classic tales. They are light and cost around £4.99, so not expensive).
In the past, we have sent blown up footballs, which arrived safely. Other balls are also a good idea - anything they can use with other children.
Usually include a bag of wrapped sweets which they can share with friends. We have moved away from sending toys as Ugandan children don’t play in the same way as our children do. However, we have sent toy cars, dolls and Rubik cubes.
It is very important to keep the weight of any package below 2kg as postage is very expensive. If the package is over 2kg, the cost jumps to over £60!
One can send parcels by tracking so that sponsors can see when the parcel leaves the UK, when it arrives in Uganda and in Masaka (where we work), also when it has been collected. It costs around a couple of pounds more.
It can take some time for gifts to arrive in Uganda, anything from 2 weeks and sometimes up to 2 months.
Please address the gifts as follows:
Child's name
c/o Fr Boniface Kaayabula
PO Box 1315